Feelings first, thinking second – it’s how we choose our people.
And it’s why elevating mood is everything.
It’s the root of all legit social skill and the ultimate goal of all good interaction.
It’s what draws one to another. Fuels all friendship and romance. It’s even important for professional growth (which is weird since that’s supposed to be where a logical, businesslike focus wins).
Think about the best, most-alive times of your life. What do you remember most about them?
How you felt.
Making feeling makes meaning. And getting better at it’s the fastest way to a better, more meaningful existence.
Much of life is maintenance – mundane shit required to keep the lights on. Necessary, but not compelling. We spend more than enough of ourselves living for logistics – burning our precious free time talking about them is a sad, sad waste.
So don’t do it. Instead, focus on making people feel more, stronger, better feelings. Stimulate, comfort, challenge and intrigue – it’s the most direct step we all can individually take towards making the world a better place.